The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals, households, businesses and geographic areas that have access to modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) and those that do not. This divide can have serious consequences, including limiting access to education, job opportunities, and essential services.One way to close the digital divide is to increase access to affordable and high-quality internet services. In many areas, internet access is simply too expensive or not reliable enough for people to use it on a regular basis. Governments and private companies can work together to expand internet infrastructure and make internet services more affordable.

Another way to close the digital divide is to provide education and training on how to use ICTs. Many people are not able to take full advantage of the internet and other technologies because they lack the necessary skills and knowledge. Programs that teach people how to use computers and the internet can help bridge this gap and enable more people to access the benefits of ICTs.

In addition to increasing access and providing education and training, it is also important to address the social and economic factors that contribute to the digital divide. For example, people who are low-income, live in rural areas, or are members of certain minority groups are often less likely to have access to ICTs. Addressing these underlying inequalities can help to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to benefit from the digital economy.

One of my favorite songs by rappers Outkast and Goodie Mob references this line “Don’t let the days of your life pass by, You need to git up, git out and git something” Look for resources in your area by a simple google search or reach out to me on Twitter. Recently the Shawn Carter Foundation and Jack Dorsey gave back to educate residents of the Marcy projects about Bitcoin. This is just one of many initiatives. Let’s work together to make impact.

In conclusion, the digital divide is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences. Closing the digital divide requires a multi-faceted approach that includes increasing access to affordable internet services, providing education and training on how to use ICTs, and addressing the underlying social and economic factors that contribute to the divide. By taking these steps, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the digital economy and enjoy the benefits of modern technology.

If you are looking for an organization to support in an effort to be apart of the change, check out It is an Atlanta, GA based non-profit, that teaches teens of color how to make music through coding, Video Production basics with a modern vibe, entrepreneurship, marketing, ownership in the music industry, NFT development and deployment.

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Shana Digital writes about entrepreneurship, the digital divide , people of color in tech, creativity, GEN Z, personal development, and more. You may see a quote from your favorite song in some of her articles as she is a true fan of hip hop culture.

Hi, I’m Shana Digital

Shana Digital writes about entrepreneurship, the digital divide , people of color in tech, creativity, GEN Z, personal development, and more. You may see a quote from your favorite song in some of her articles as she is a true fan of hip hop culture.

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